Upcoming Events

Announcements for the Church in Chicago
Week of March 23, 2025

HWMR: Week 13 (vol. 3) of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ

Corporate Bible Reading:

Corporate Ministry Reading: Msg. 7 of the Life-Study of Ephesians.

PSRP resumes on Monday at 8p in the South Loop hall.

Tuesday Night Prayer will be by districts and language groups.

Hall Cleaning this Saturday will be by South Loop; 4/5 will be by IP/Span-spkg.

Next Lord’s Day Meeting will be by districts and language groups.

YP Meetings:

  • Monday through Thursday meetings (7:00p-7:30p) for Bible reading according to the church schedule above. On Fridays, YP are encouraged to join the small group meetings in the homes.
  • Saturday night meetings (6:00p – 8:30p) at the Irving Park hall. 

Upcoming Church Events and Prayer Matters:

Please remember to pray for all the upcoming events and the shepherding of the saints. 

  • Church Work Day will be Saturday, April 12. All saints are encouraged to join. The work day will begin with a love-feast style breakfast at 8:30a. Lunch will be provided.
  • Blending Conference in Ohio will be held from April 18 to 20 at the Cleveland Marriott East in Warrensville Heights, OH. Rooms at a nearby hotel have been made available. For more information, please visit: https://churchinmentor.org/events/
  • International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Phoenix, AZ, from Friday, May 23, through Monday, May 26. Hotels can be booked at the LSM rate here: https://book.passkey.com/e/50863439. Rooms must be reserved by April 28.

Upcoming Lord’s Day District Meeting Schedule is below. Korean-speaking and Spanish-speaking are generally at the Irving Park meeting hall; English and Chinese-speaking saints meet by districts (including hall cleaning). Hall cleaning may be done earlier in the week based on saints’ availability. The district schedules may be subject to change during the week.

  South Loop (English/Chinese-spkg) Irving Park


Meeting Hall Cleaning (Sat.)


South Loop Irving Park Evanston (Yuns) 3/29: South Loop


Corporate Corporate Corporate 4/5: IP/Span-spkg


South Loop Irving Park Evanston (Yuns) 4/12: Church Work Day


Corporate Corporate Corporate 4/19: Korean-spkg


South Loop Irving Park Evanston (Yuns) 4/26: Northshore


Corporate Corporate Corporate 5/3: South Loop       

Other Reminders:

  • Children’s Service Prayer & Coordination is every Saturday at 8:30a via Zoom (ID: 972-5109-1217).
  • Children’s Meeting (Lord’s Days): Only parents should pick up their children from the children’s meetings. The serving ones cannot release children to their siblings.
  • Parents of YP should plan to pick up your children on Saturdays no later than 9pm, as serving ones cannot always stay later. 
  • Parking is generally available at the funeral home lot on Lord’s Day mornings (as long as there is not a funeral). Please enter and exit the lot from Irving Park Road only. Please also reserve the handicapped parking spaces for saints with mobility issues.
  • 500 Life Studies mobile app is available for download in the app stores and is an excellent tool to help the saints in their ministry reading.
  • LSM radio broadcast of the Life-Study messages can be found at www.lsmradio.com and via mobile app (https://www.lsmchristianradio.com for English and https://www.radiocristianalsm.com for Spanish).
  • Zoom availability for Lord’s Day meetings is only for saints who do not have the ability to physically attend meetings on a regular basis. Please contact Thomas Figueroa for the updated Zoom access.
  • Church Phone List Update – An updated church phone list is now available. Saints who would like a copy can request one from the responsible brothers in their district. Please note that the phone list is for the care and shepherding of the saints; the list should not be distributed or used for mass communications. Updates to the list can be made at any time here: https://tinyurl.com/chicago-phone-list-update.