Coming Forward Since Age Six By Jeff My Christian Heritage In the 1600s, some English families migrated to New Jersey, including a group of Watsons. My cousin has done a tracing of my family tree. My great-great-grandfather was a Watson.…
Ben’s Testimony
Simply Love Him as a Young Person Growing up in the church life, I often heard about the Lord. But I did not necessarily have this huge turn to the Lord. My experience was more of walking a normal Christian…
Nancy’s Testimony
God Becoming Real to Me I was raised Catholic and received a Catholic education during a time of theological flux within the Catholic Church. Also at this time there was great political turmoil and social upheaval in the U.S. As…
Colin’s Testimony
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost. (Luke 19:10) My name is Colin. It’s good to be part of the masterpiece. This testimony isn’t going to be my life story, but…
Shawn’s Testimony
I want to put down on paper how I received my salvation. I grew up in a Mormon family and was very active in the Mormon Church. I attended every Sunday service and received the Aaronic priesthood and then the…
Steve’s Testimony
God loved man so much He gave Jesus Christ His only Son so that man can live through Him (1 John 4:9). God is love, and when we receive His Son, Jesus Christ, love comes into us. With Jesus Christ,…
Marty’s Testimony
Was I really a Christian? Marty, are you really a Christian?” A friend of mine asked me this one evening in our dorm at Indiana University. “What do you mean, ‘Am I a Christian?’ I believe in God; I go…