Local Conference Messages (Staging)




2020 Conferencia de Habla Hispana – Cantar de los Cantares/
2020 Conference in Spanish – Song of Songs


Msg Titulo del Mensaje/ Title of Message     Esp. Eng.
1 Vencer en la primera etapa (1) Vencemos amando al Señor para cumplir Su propósito/
Overcoming in the First Stage (1) Overcoming by Loving the Lord to Fulfill His Purpose
2 Vencer en la primera etapa (2) Embellecida al ser transformada en la vida de iglesia/
Overcoming in the First Stage (2) Beautified through Transformation in the Church Life
3 Vencer en la segunda etapa (1) Llamados, fortalecidos y alentados por el Cristo resucitado para ser liberados del yo mediante la unidad con la cruz/
Overcoming in the Second Stage (1) Called, Empowered, and Encouraged by the Resurrected Christ to Be Delivered from the Self through the Oneness with the Cross
4 Vencer en la segunda etapa (2) Experimentar la cruz para ser liberados del yo
con miras al Cuerpo de Cristo/
Overcoming in the Second Stage (2) Experiencing the Cross to Be Delivered from the Self for the Body of Christ
2020 Conferencia de Habla Hispana 


Msg Titulo del Mensaje Esp. Eng.
1 Mensaje 1 “Los dos males del pueblo de Dios y la fidelidad de Dios en llevar acabo Su economía (1)” PDFIcon PDFIcon
2 Mensaje 2 “Los dos males del pueblo de Dios y la fidelidad de Dios en llevar acabo Su economía (2) “ PDFIcon PDFIcon
3 Reunión del evangelio    
4 Mensaje 3 “Experimentar y disfrutar el contenido del nuevo pacto conforme a nuestra experiencia espiritual para el cumplimiento de la economía de Dios (1)” PDFIcon PDFIcon
5 Mensaje 4 “Experimentar y disfrutar el contenido del nuevo pacto conforme a nuestra experiencia espiritual para el cumplimiento de la economía de Dios (2)” PDFIcon PDFIcon
Mtg Message Titles Outlines

Parent’s Fellowship, Part 1


Parent’s Fellowship, Part 2


Optional Sharing – “Maintaining our Joy”


Serving Ones Fellowship



2019 Faculty Fellowship

1 Friday PM
2 Saturday AM
3 Saturday Late AM
4 Saturday 4 PM
5 Saturday 7 PM
6 Lord’s Day AM (Scott F.)

2019 Faculty Fellowship
Mtg Message Title Outlines
5 The Gospel to the Nations for the Producing of the One New Man: Its Vision, Burden and Coordination PDFIcon
2019 Middle America Labor Day Conference
Mtg Message Title Outline
1 The Mingled Spirit—the Divine Spirit Mingled with Our Human Spirit PDFIconPDFIcon
2 The Mingled Spirit—the Divine Spirit Mingled with Our Human Spirit PDFIcon
3 The Mingled Spirit—the Divine Spirit Mingled with Our Human Spirit  
4 Being Burning in Spirit to Serve the Lord and Fanning into Flame the Indwelling Gift to Preach the Gospel PDFIconPDFIcon
5 Being Desperate to Overcome Deadness and Lukewarmness in Order to Be Vitally Living and Active
for the Increase of the Lord’s Recovery and the Building Up of the Body of Christ
Reunión Titulo del Mensaje Bosquejo
1 El espíritu mezclado—El Espíritu divino mezclado con nuestro espíritu humano PDFIcon
2 El espíritu mezclado—El Espíritu divino mezclado con nuestro espíritu humano  
3 El espíritu mezclado—El Espíritu divino mezclado con nuestro espíritu humano  
4 Ser fervientes en espíritu para servir al Señor y avivar el fuego del don de Dios que está en nosotros para predicar el evangelio PDFIcon
5 Estar desesperados por vencer la muerte y la tibieza a fin de ser vitalmente vivientes y activos para el aumento del recobro del Señor y la edificación del Cuerpo de Cristo PDFIcon
집회 메시지 제목 개요
1 연합된 영―우리 사람의 영과 연합되신 신성한 영 PDFIcon
2 연합된 영―우리 사람의 영과 연합되신 신성한 영  
3 연합된 영―우리 사람의 영과 연합되신 신성한 영  
4 영 안에서 불타올라 주님을 섬기고 내주하는 은사를 부채질하여 불타오르게 함으로 복음을 전파 PDFIcon
5 주님의 회복의 증가와 그리스도의 몸의 건축을 위하여 활력적으로 살아있고 활동적으로 되도록 죽어있음과 미지근함을 이기는데 필사적임 PDFIcon
聚會 信息題目 綱要
1 调和的灵─神圣的灵调着我们人的灵 PDFIcon
2 调和的灵─神圣的灵调着我们人的灵  
3 调和的灵─神圣的灵调着我们人的灵  
4 灵里火热服事主和 将里面的恩赐如火挑旺起来传福音 PDFIcon
5 第五篇 迫切胜过死沉和不冷不热 以成为有活力的,是活的,也是活动的 PDFIcon


2019 Chinese New Year Respeaking Conference
General Subject: Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body
Mtg Message Title Outlines
1 The Reality of the Body of Christ and The Oneness of the Body and the Function of the Body  PDFIconPDFIcon
2 Fellowship on How the Collected Works of Witness Lee were Compiled  
3 Experiencing the Work of the Cross for the Body and Living in the Unique Fellowship of the Body PDFIcon
4 The Supply of the Body, the Members of the Body, and the Limitation of the Body and
Living Christ for the Reality of the Body of Christ
2017 Labor-Day Conference (Bilingual)
General Subject: Living the Christian Life and Practicing the Church Life According to the Visions of Ezekiel
Msg Message Title Eng. Spa.
1 Knowing and Experiencing God as I Am  PDFIcon*  PDFIcon*
2 Knowing and Experiencing the God of Blessing and the Blessing of God    
3 Experiencing the Cross for God’s Building    
4 Being Constituted with the Humanity of Jesus for God’s Building    
5 Being Measured by God’s Building and the Glory of God Returning to God’s Building    

*Note: The messages were given in a different order from the outline numbering. The correlation is as follows:

    Spoken Message Outline Number    
    1 3    
    2 4    
    3 2    
    4 5    
    5 6    

(There was no spoken message on Outline Number 1.)

2017 Special Conference
General Subject: Special Fellowship Concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move
Msg Message Title Outlines
1 Cooperating with God to Carry Out His Move in His Economy by Knowing This Age and by Knowing the Present Truth – and – God’s Sovereignty, the Divine History within the Human History, and the World Situation and God’s Move to Spread His Recovery PDFIcon PDFIcon
3 Spreading the Divine Truths and Seeing a Vision of the World’s Ultimate Situation, God’s Ultimate Move, and the Lord’s Ultimate Recovery PDFIcon
4-5 Bearing the Ultimate Responsibility in God’s Ultimate Move – and – Doing Everything according to the Leading, Working, and Speaking of the Spirit, Honoring the Lord as the Head of the Body for His Unique Move, and Being Balanced by the Body to Be Kept in Its Unique Oneness PDFIcon PDFIcon